Looking to buy a business? Buying a business is a great way to start your journey to entrepreneurship, by leveraging the success and infrastructure of an existing business, and expanding it.
anonymoX is a SaaS business in the Internet industry, making $1,001 a month with a 26% profit margin.
Are you looking for a SaaS business? There’s a reason there are so many multi-billion dollar SaaS businesses: they can scale, and provide predictable revenue through subscriptions.
The strength of a SaaS business is in its ability to scale sales with low additional cost overhead, predictable recurring revenue, and its ability to grow through marketing and new features.
Does the Internet industry appeal to you? Then you’re going to love this established business with strong fundamentals, and room to grow.
With the potential for expanding marketing, adding new features, and optimizing the pricing strategy, this could be the SaaS business you’ve been searching for.
From the Seller
anonymoX, a VPN business with 870k monthly users, excellent reviews and operating for 10+ years