Looking to buy a business? Buying a business is a great way to start your journey to entrepreneurship, by leveraging the success and infrastructure of an existing business, and expanding it.
resumesparked.com is a Service business in the Internet industry, making $7,355 a month with a 85% profit margin.
Are you looking for a service business? Some industries, like the automotive industry or the food industry, will always need services, and an established service business can give you a strong foundation to build from.
The strength of an established service business is in its existing book of sales and organic revenue, its reputation and brand recognition, and its ability to grow through marketing and reviews.
Does the Internet industry appeal to you? Then you’re going to love this established business with strong fundamentals, and room to grow.
With the potential for new service offerings, expanding marketing, and optimizing processes, this could be the service business you’ve been searching for.
Act fast! With a 49% price drop, this business is priced to move quickly!
From the Seller
Profitable online agency providing expertly crafted resumes with a profit margin of 91%. High potential and DA growth in the competitive job search market.