Looking to buy a business? Buying a business is a great way to start your journey to entrepreneurship, by leveraging the success and infrastructure of an existing business, and expanding it.
Worde: Daily & Unlimited is an Android App business in the Hobbies and Games industry, making $6,793 a month with a 98% profit margin.
Are you looking for an app business? Phone apps show no sign of slowing down anytime soon, and established apps can offer predictable revenue and high potential for scaling.
The strength of an app business is in its low overhead in costs and management since the products are digital, the huge potential volume of customers, and its ability to grow through marketing and reviews.
Does the Hobbies and Games industry appeal to you? Then you’re going to love this established business with strong fundamentals, and room to grow.
With the potential for optimizing the pricing strategy, adding new features, and increasing marketing, this could be the app business you’ve been searching for.
From the Seller
A 2-year old popular word game that people play everyday. Recently added ads, which boosted revenue by more than 600%. 10k daily active users, 33k monthly