Ecommerce | Design and Style

🇺🇸 United States


Monthly Profit


Profit Margin


Monthly Revenue


Profit Multiple


Revenue Multiple

3 years

Site Age

Asking Price

$75,000 $56,250

Buy an Ecommerce Business in the Design and Style Industry – $4,086 Profit/mo

Block and Ink

Looking to buy a business? Buying a business is a great way to start your journey to entrepreneurship, by leveraging the success and infrastructure of an existing business, and expanding it.

Block and Ink is an Ecommerce business in the Design and Style industry, making $4,086 a month with a 62% profit margin.

Are you looking for an ecommerce business? Ecommerce continues to be a growth industry as more and more shoppers shop online.

The strength of ecommerce as a business model is in its ability to scale quickly in sales, remain fairly predictable once a product-market fit has been identified, and managing costs by managing invetory levels, or dropshipping.

Does the Design and Style industry appeal to you? Then you’re going to love this established business with strong fundamentals, and room to grow.

With the potential for expanding to additional shopping platforms, expanding the product line, and building up marketing efforts, this could be the ecommerce business you’ve been searching for.

Act fast! With a 25% price drop, this business is priced to move quickly!

From the Seller

This website offers sustainable resortwear for men and women. The products are made using ancient forms of printing on garments called Block printing

Listed and Sold by Flippa

This business is for sale from our partner Flippa, a leader in the online business acquisition field. AVO Financing does not manage the business listing or sale, so there may be errors. The buyer is responsible for all due diligence in any purchases.

This business is no longer available

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